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Wednesday 21st June 2006

Racket Club Studio Podcast : The Start of Recording
 RSS Podcast Feed - http://www.marillion.com/marillion-pod.rss
 Direct Link to MP3 - http://www.marillion.com/media/podcast/20060621.mp3
The band begin recording the next studio album, and take a break to play a show in Poland. Coming to you from the offices at the Racket Club studio with Pete Trewavas, Steve Rothery, Ian Mosley, Mike Hunter, Jed, and the rest of the Racket Records Peanut Gallery. Exclusive soundtrack performed by Mike Hunter.
If you have iTunes software already installed, go to the 'Advanced' menu, and select 'Subscribe to Podcast...'. Then just enter: http://www.marillion.com/marillion-pod.rss This will subscribe you to the Marillion Online Podcast, and automatically download the audio track (the 'Marillion Online Podcast' also appears in the iTunes Podcast directory). If you DON'T have iTunes software installed, you can get it for free: head over to www.apple.com and click 'Downloads' - then just follow the instructions.
Other important facts to know: you don't need an iPod to download the Podcast, and you don't even need iTunes to get it. Many other media players and free downloads will allow you to subscribe to Podcast RSS feeds - we'll leave it up to you to choose which one is right for you. You can also link directly to the MP3 file without subscribing to the Podcast - just visit www.marillion.com/news and click the 'journal & archive' link - all Podcasts will be archived here and direct file links will always be provided via our website.
Please note that the Marillion Online Podacst may contain strong language from the start which some listeners may find offensive.