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Wednesday 8th May 2024

Marillion Weekends 2025 Official Announcement
Hello Everyone,

We had our first day back in the studio yesterday after our enforced absence.

It was fantastic to welcome Pete back into the room - he's looking great.

Whilst we start again with the writing of the next album, we have also been preparing our Marillion Weekends for 2025 and we are delighted to announce that there will be EIGHT!

This includes our first Weekends in Oslo, Girona and Paris. There has been some changes to Port Zelande and Montreal which are explained on our website www.marillionweekend.com and in our launch video which can be watched BY CLICKING HERE

Ticket prices and details will be added to the website as it all comes together and we have dedicated Facebook groups for each weekend.

We will look forward to seeing you. But now...back at it!

h, Ian, Mark, Pete and Steve

Facebook Groups -

Port Zelande