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Monday 5th March 2012
New Dotcom Site!

Welcome to our new look marillion.com! There are loads of new features for you to have a look at, most of which are available now and some that will develop as we work with our new format. Please bear with us while we are working to make available areas that are still under construction.

We have invested a lot of time in organising the information that we have available on this site, this has been a massive job and is still ongoing so please bear with us while we bring areas like the News, Album, Photos & Tour archives to you over the coming weeks. All current Albums, Lyrics, Tour dates & News articles are all available for you to view so dig in deep, there is plenty of content for you to enjoy!

Apart from the overall look of the site, the major changes are in the shop and the way that you access information on Albums, DVDs & Merchandise. Its impossible to cover all the changes here, hopefully the way the site is set up should make it clear how to navigate through the pages.

The Racket Store:

We now have one main shop page from which you can access everything you need. Each main studio album has its own page containing all available 'Versions of ' a studio album & other related releases, Interviews, video content & Merchandise.

These pages can be accessed by clicking on the album covers in the Studio Album Panel on the shop home page.
Alternatively you can access all products of the same type by using the quick links// show all icons on the top left of the page. EG. show all CDs, DVDs or Clothing etc..

A  new feature of the shop is the 'Racket Filter' this gives you access to a range of search features that will enable you to find what you want quickly and easily. Search by 'Physical Type' ie: CD, DVD, Clothing Merch etc. or use the more refined 'Category Search' to find a range of more specific items. You can also use Key Words to search for a specific item. Tip: Enclosing your Key Words in quotation marks will search for only those words as a sentence. EG. "Happiness is the Road" will only return items with that title, whereas Happiness is the Road ( without the quotation marks) will return everything that has either Happiness, is, the or Road anywhere in the records.

Marillion Online Accounts:

All the login information for your online accounts will still work in exactly the same way on our new website. You can now add an 'Avatar' image to your account which will display on the home page, along with access to your Orders and Downloads directly from the 'My Account' panel. This avatar will also display in the shop header along with a summary of  your shopping basket. You will need to log in to access these features.

Once logged in you will also be able to access other features while you are browsing in the Racket Store. Things like if you are a member of the WebUK fanclub you will be able to purchase any of the membership only CDs, DVDs & Downloads any time you like. You will still get an opportunity to purchase these fan club only items at a slightly cheaper price when you first Join or Renew your membership. Please note: the most recent FREE fan club release will still only be available when the Christmas edition of the magazine is released. You will have to wait until the following Christmas to get access to the previous years release if you were not a current member at the time of release.

Other exciting new features:

You can now play preview clips of (mostly) every track in every album available in the store! This is still a work in progress so whilst clips are available for most tracks there are still some that we are working hard to make available as soon as we can. Use the purple 'play' buttons situated to the right of the track listing for every album to listen to the previews.
You can also access available lyrics for each track from this area. Clicking through to the lyric pages will also give you access to other information about that track and a list of all releases that a particular song appears on. You can also access these lyric pages from the random lyric generator at the top of every page in the site.

The Racket TV Lounge:

Access all of our FREE video content from this page. There are other exciting new interactive features planned for this page, so make sure you check this page out in the run up to the release of Album #17...

If you come across any major issues with the new site please send us an email at website@marillion.com - Please note, we may not be able to reply to everyone individually.


The Racket Records Team.